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  • Eponymous , R.E.M.

    Price: $24.98
    The band's first "best-of" ('88) rounded up key hits and songs from their early LPs, introduced some new and improved mixes and unearthed an unissued gem: "Romance." That joins "Radio Free Europe,"... more
  • Lifes Rich Pageant , R.E.M.

    Price: $30.98
    "There's never been a good rock album that's had an apostrophe in the title," said Peter Buck. Thus, the missing apostrophe in the name of this 1986 LP; what ISN'T missing here, though, are several... more
  • Green , R.E.M.

    Price: $31.98
    R.E.M. left I.R.S. for Warner Bros. in '88—and wasted no time proving themselves to their new label. "Green" was their most rocking album yet, a double-platinum triumph that lifted them to the... more
  • Dead Letter Office , R.E.M.

    Price: $24.98
    This 1987 comp of B-sides and rarities ranks as one of R.E.M.'s most charming albums, starting with their covers of Velvet Underground ("There She Goes Again," "Pale Blue Eyes," "Femme Fatale") and... more